Blooms Travel Paint Box
By Jacqueline Coates- Created by an artist for artists
Portable art studio in a box /Pochade/ Travelling Paint Box /Portable painting studio
Where will your Blooms Travel Paint Box take you?

Special Christmas Offer Extended Till December 23rd 2022

Do you L-O-N-G to travel and paint without fuss?
Like to ditch the need for HEAVY cumbersome art equipment?
Do you struggle over what to pack to paint on holiday?
Want to expand your creative possibilities & inspiration?
Love to set up your self-contained light weight painting studio anywhere at any time?
My new BLOOMS TRAVEL PAINT BOX will free you up to paint anywhere at anytime with ease

You are about to discover that my Blooms Travel Paint Box;
- weighs under 2 kilos when packed with brushes, paints and canvas boards
- is light, easy & comfortable to carry
- is ideal for watercolour, acrylic or oils and for drawing
- holds and separates three wet canvases or artworks so you can pack up from painting and carry wet paintings INSIDE the Blooms Travel Paint Box

- designed to be HANDS FREE, no easel required, because the Blooms Travel Paint Box hangs comfortably from your body on usherette style straps
- great for en plein air painting- no easel required
- works perfectly indoors anywhere for an instant studio
- quick & easy to set up a no-mess creative space away from home such as at a hotel or bnb
- provides more flexible options of where to paint when at home away from your usual studio & equipment
- compact and stows away easily
- ideal if you have limited space for your art in an apartment, campervan, car or boat.
- fits inside your luggage easily when travelling
- for drawing, pastels, painting in watercolour, acrylics & oils

Why use a Blooms Travel Paint Box?
There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling inspired but not having your painting gear with you. Aaaaagh!
Inspiration can and does strike all the time, from a walk along a beach to being a park or the country or even sitting in a café. We all know that the best time to take action to paint or draw is in that very moment! CARPE DIEM!
The Blooms Travel Paint Box can travel with you everywhere be it on holiday, a weekend away or a Sunday drive.
Strap on my instant portable paint studio!

The BLOOMS TRAVEL PAINT BOX is an instant studio at a convenient and practical size you can use either standing up for en plein air painting or sitting down for an instant art studio.
Especially handy when you are away from your own painting studio or this can BECOME your art studio!
Especially handy when you are away from your own painting studio or this can BECOME your art studio!
Paint from life or work from photos you take at leisure. Create a series quickly.

How did the Blooms Travel Paint Box come about?
As a painter of over 30 years, an art teacher and the of Blooms Art School, as well as French Art School, over the years I have travelled and painted in many countries, including Morocco, France, Italy and Bali, as well as local landscapes and coastal areas when travelling and teaching in Australia. There is always the tough decision of what art supplies to travel with. Weight and baggage space are limited. Excess baggage is expensive. There had to be an easier way!

Pochades were invented centuries ago when artists wanted to paint away from their studios and capture the outdoors as a creative space for inspiration.
For some time, I used the French Box Easel which I still like for larger works, but the size and weight did not suit for long distance travel or getting about.
Then I tried some smaller box easel options, never quite happy with the quality, or capacity to hold supplies or artwork.
I was looking for the ideal travelling paint box for myself, a practising artist and art teacher with real needs for my own use, and for my students including at my French Art School. I needed a neat and convenient practical travel paint box I could rely on.
What I wanted, simply didn’t exist. There were issues with lids holding open, having the right amount of workspace and art materials & storage issues.
It was time to make my own Blooms Travel Paint Box
with the essential criteria being…

- it fits easily inside my suitcase for interstate and overseas trips
- it stores multiple wet paintings because I can’t always wait for the paint to dry.
- I am on the go and the paintings need to be safe and transportable so my painting efforts are protected
- time is limited when travelling so working at 8 inch square is perfect for detailed masterpieces or sketches and studies I can sell and fund my trips with!
- the construction is strong and the lid hinges firm and reliable ( not snapping shut on me and upending paintings like some paint boxes do)
- comfortable so I enjoy using it
After refining & testing features and making many adjustments with my team of experts to ensure my BLOOMS TRAVEL PAINT BOX is a

great addition to your art life, the Blooms Travel Paint Box has launched with a great deal of enjoyment and pleasure, opening up new realms of creative possibilities for everyone!

Paint in new locations, explore landscapes, urban scapes, beach scapes, rural idylls, still life and new subject matter.
It’s often whilst I’m on holiday I feel inspired and need to be able to take action to capture a painting I love. However, I definitely don’t want to lug a huge amount of equipment with me or take too much time away from friends and family. Paintings are quick at this size, easy to pack, and painting this way fits in with everyone.
Creating paintings on the spot ensures I capture the colours and something fresh. I can develop those paintings further in the studio later into larger pieces or enjoy my on the spot paintings as is.
Design features formulated for practicality and comfort including;
- Made from natural and composite pine wood for sturdy construction
- Rounded corners so it’s comfy to carry
- Adjustable strap so you can tailor to body shape and height
- Convenient foldout brush holder tray with a variety of brush size holders
- Slide out tray for extra workspace and paint palette
- Paint tube and brushes storage compartments

Above right; checking out the rainforest walk at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland with my Blooms Travel Paint Box, and enjoying the plant life, the waterfalls, and the patterns in nature
- Conveniently holds 3 wet canvas boards of 8 x 8 inches each or 20 cm square canvas boards. Close the lid and carry like a handbag.
- Quick and easy to set up and pack up.
- Reliable strength in the hinge lid that holds the canvases to stay open to where you set it to

- Triple hinges on the lid and fold out tray for durability
- Non-slip hinges that stay fixed in place while you paint
- Hands free thanks to the usherette style strap
Above; Sometime I feel likely painting from home instead of my studio without a load of paint equipment or big easels and canvases. Set up is easy and quick and no mess.
- Varnished semi-gloss exterior for easy clean up
- Rubber stoppers on the base so your box can grip surfaces
- Stylish design
- Suitable for oils, pastels, acrylics, water-based oils, watercolour & drawing mediums
- Makes an attractive painting display in your studio to show off your work
What in my Blooms Travel Paint Box pack?

Where will you Blooms Travel Paint Box take you?

What in my Blooms Travel Paint Box pack?
Can I use the Blooms Travel Paint Box as my actual painting studio hub?

Yes, you can use the Blooms Travel Paint Box as your portable art studio whether it’s at home or a destination you have planned.
Many people don’t have much room at home for their art especially if downsizing or living in a caravan or campervan whilst travelling.
Choose when you want to use your space as an art studio then bring out your Blooms Travel Paint Box and transform your space to create. When finished, pack it away again. Everything fits inside. Even your wet canvases.
The Blooms Travel Paint Box stores your paints, brushes, dippers, medium and wet canvases and closes neatly so everything tidies up into the paint box. Store it in a cupboard till you need it or keep it in the back of the car in case you are out and see something you want to paint.
Can I use the Blooms Travel Paint Box as my actual painting studio hub?
There’s almost no mess involved with the Blooms Travel Paint Box. It’s easy to keep clean while you paint. This is important because if you paint from a hotel or bnb it’s important not to make a mess.

Working at a smaller scale has it’s advantages for keeping tidy.
The paintings happen more quickly and the paint palette area is easy to clean up.
The polycarbonate paint palette lifts out and is wiped down separately. You can even throw the palette into a plastic bag and clean it up when you get home if you prefer. I use water-based oils so clean up is easy with water.
The wet paintings go into the painting bays inside the lid so no wet paintings are hanging around getting paint onto furniture or your clothing.
Do you only use the blooms travel paint box when travelling?
I use my Blooms Travel Paint Box at home when I don’t want to work in my studio or when I prefer not to set up a big easel in my living room. I can work with my paint box on the dining table and enjoy painting at home without a big set up.
I can use it at the beach or from a café.
Working smaller scale is less pressure. A painting is finished in about an hour usually. I can create a series in 3 hours or less working this way.

I often take snaps of the landscape or still life and paint them later from photos when I have more time. Sometimes the weather isn’t inviting so working from photos off my phone indoors is more comfortable.
How else can I use my Blooms Travel Paint Box?
If travelling I enjoy painting at my Air bnb or hotel using the Blooms Travel Paint Box. I don’t always feel like painting outside. Sometimes there’s a view from my hotel room I can’t resist to paint and it’s very comfortable painting from the
accommodation where I can make myself a cup of tea and immerse in painting and music. The paint box sits on the kitchen table for example and becomes my table top easel.
I often refer to photos I took during the day or use the view at hand, for painting inspiration. If I am outdoors painting I use the strap and paint en plein air, and for inside work I tend to sit down and open my Blooms Travel Paint Box up on a table with the lid slightly tilted back, holding the canvas.
Pictured above; View from my window on holiday in San Remo, Italy. Yes I painted it from life, from the comfort of my BNB!
What are the advantages of working smaller scale?
In my usual studio practice I work large so working small is a nice change.

Small paintings take me an hour or less to do even if detailed. They can be sketches or paintings, exploring ideas and local subject matter. I enjoy the time I spend on smaller works which are somehow more intimate works and a chance to be creative in other ways.
It’s easy to make a larger work by making a composite artwork of several canvas board panels and making one larger artwork.
Do you sell the paints as well to go with the Blooms Travel Paint Box?
Yes, I sell sets of water based oil paints that fit the Blooms Travel Paint Box.
Also sets of the acrylics that fit. Email us at if you would like us to arrange that for you. Extra re usable palettes are also available.
Why are the hinges on the lid so important?
The lid needs to stay firmly in place so your box doesn’t suddenly snap shut. That’s why I use a particular type of screw and very strong hinges made specially for the Blooms travel Paint Box to hold the lid in place so it works perfectly and reliably. You can adjust the position of the angle then tighten to fix in place and it stays in place.
How do I manage all my finished paintings when travelling?
The canvas boards are light and stack easily. Once dry, add a sheet of glassine paper, non stick baking paper, thin foam sheet or bubble wrap beween the paintings, and stack. Tie up firmly as a parcel. Pop in your suitcase.

Wet paintings can be stored inside the lid of the paint box and taken home in the paint box. Loads more tips in the Blooms Travel Paint Box Manual in the pack.
Can I fly with oil paints?
Water based oils are non-flammable and water based. So you can fly with them in your suitcase. Let them know at the check in.
Traditional oil paints are made from vegetable oils and pigments but reqire the flammable turps and mediums. You can’t fly with anything flammable.
Water based oils are water soluble. So are the mediums usually but check the product details to be sure.
It’s the materials such as turps, thinners, and varnishes used with traditional oils that are considered dangerous to fly with. It’s not the oil paint itself.
Airport crew prefer you let them know at time of baggage check-in that you are travelling with paints and what type of paint otherwise they are likely to identify it through x-rays and and ask you to open your bag and explain. Save time for everyone and be upfront. If in any doubt, purchase the paints at your destination or order them to be mailed there to meet you!

Wrap paints in a plastic bag inside your suitcase in case of any leaks. Purchase your painting medium when you arrive at your desitnation or have it mailed ahead.
Acrylics are water based and have no flammable content so are totally safe as are watercolours.
Loads more info in the Blooms Travel Paint Box Manual in the pack.

Sydney artist Lou Piper test drives her new Blooms Travel Paint box - ‘Cute, compact & portable!’
I travel a lot so it’s easy to pack and go.
This frees me up from working in my studio.
Now I can paint downstairs, or outside and for weekends away. It’s so sturdy.
The dipper accessory is charmingly shaped and clips on easily to the sliding lid.
The strap is very comfortable and the strap adjusts so you can get a snug fit.
It’s so cute, compact and portable!
I love it!