Arts Creative Hub

Learn To Paint For Beginners

How To Paint Blooms Beginners Art Lessons

Taking The Pain out of Painting with "How To Paint Blooms" Beginners Online Art Lessons with Jacqueline Coates

Beginners Art Lessons

As a beginner, learning how to paint can be scary when your new to it.

Everyone hates making mistakes or ending up with an uncontrollable mess! For the beginner painter everything feels new and uncertain.

How much paint to put on the brush, how to hold the brush can become anxiety producing question marks!

When you are new to painting the best advice I have is to become familiar with it.

In this case that means practising using the paint, the brushes and how much paint is loaded onto the brush. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake. Mistakes help you to learn. The main thing is to have a go.

For beginners acrylic paints are the easiest as mistakes can be corrected easily.

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