Advanced - Be An Artist
Painting and being an Artist is more than pushing paint around the canvas. It involves the heart, mind and independent thinking.

In this respect, the qualities that are associated with entrepreneurs are also valid and important for emerging and emerged artists.
To be a successful professional artist is not for the faint hearted or the shrinking wall flower. If you are either of those, it might be best to get a job with a regular wage and paint on the side.
As practising artists we have to be prepared to speak up about what we are doing, share ourselves on a grand scale and let people in to see what we are up to.
Sometimes we will be criticised. As artists, we must lead and most importantly add a dash of audacity from time to time.
To become an artist who is known for their work and has a genuine following can involve developing aspects of ourselves that may have been hidden till now.
This is what makes becoming an artist one of the most exciting and challenging journeys in my opinion. We must allow others to talk about us and wonder why we do what we do.